#30 - 1221 Canyon Meadows Drive SE, Calgary, AB T2J 6G2 | (403) 984-0114
We’re proud to announce our latest feature, the Automatic Shift Modification tool. This tool is aimed at sparing office managers the arduous task of re-entering any shifts that have changed, whether it be via incorrect entry, or a change in scheduling.
It functions very similarly to the Automatic Shift Application Tool, and is located just below it on the menu, as seen here:
One then enters the information for the shifts to be modified (a process familiar to anyone who has built a schedule using the program!) and selects the shifts to be overwritten with this new information.
Easy as that! Give our newest addition a try and let us know what you think.
Happy Managing,
#30 - 1221 Canyon Meadows Drive S.E. Calgary, AB T2J 6G2 • Phone: (403) 984-0114
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